First off: If you're reading this, thank you. I always teach my students that communication is information traveling from one point to another. If a train leaves a station and never arrives at the next one, then no transmission of information has occurred; that you're reading this allows those businessmen to go about their day. For that I am eternally grateful.
Second: every blog post you have read up to this point was written during a period of particular industry for me in 2011-2012. They were all loaded into the blog with release dates and times and then the blog left to its own devices. So for the last 2 years or so, blogs were released like clockwork because they were supposed to.
There was something nice about this. One, it meant I could be unbelievably lazy and basically quit writing. (Nice and also bad. It's a double edged sword.) My writing continued to be "published" (as much as a free improv/movie/bullshit blog can be considered publishing) and I could focus on other projects. Since the last time I sat down to write, San Diego has gotten a real, legitimate longform improv theater; sold out classes, standing room only shows, and now two nationally attended and exceedingly successful festivals. 2014 turned out to be a major growth year for San Diego improv, probably the first real "boom year" in over a decade. Occasionally I would meet a student who mentioned that they read my blog, and I would have a twinge of panic. This is mostly because I never expect anyone to read this (but low and behold we crossed the 10000 page view mark a while ago, apparently) and also because I don't really remember what's in this time capsule. I shudder to even go back now and look at what I thought or -worse- how I wrote.
The other nice, and morbid, thing, is that I always thought that if I died suddenly there would still be a little way that I would continue to exist. At least until the blogs ran out. Then I would really not exist.
That brings me to this post. I'm out of blogs. Everything I wrote has already been published, and now I must start writing again. Everything you read from this point on has been written recently (or, in very few cases, is a post I started on, never really got very far in, and have actually made a real post, not just a two sentence idea, out of it).
So thank you for reading. If you've posted a post somewhere or recommended it to someone else, thank you. If you've come to see a show or taken a class, thanks for that as well. This is all for nought if it has not an audience. And this is all for nought if I do not create new content.
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